An Art Piece By Wooshy


Medium: Illustration

“I’m pretty Pan-African: I just love blackness, whether it’s in myself or my family or friends or in strangers. I want to make space for all the different ways that we exist, and make space for what we have in common (aesthetically, culturally, spiritually, whatever…). I was mainly inspired by vintage African stamps, which design wise I think are just gorgeous. I also drew from portraits of traditional west african hairstyles, spreads from black American magazines from the 70s, afrofuturistic aesthetics. I wanted to balance all these different elements to be in conversation with each other, and with my own art style which is pretty distinct. I just want people to look at these and see something of themselves (or family/friends/lovers/whatever) in them.”


"We Are Going to Win" by Myrna Rosales