
Help us democratize education and keep our ship running!

Anticapitalism for Artists was originally founded as a small mutual aid-based political education project in the early days of the pandemic, under quarantine conditions. Our goal was simple: while many conversations around identity were flourishing among arts workers, we wished to raise the class consciousness of artists and unite them in solidarity. From its humble beginnings, Anticapitalism for Artists has expanded into a sustained organization, scaling up as far as volunteer labor and donations will allow.

However, there is much work to be done, and as a grassroots organization unapologetically trafficking in revolutionary consciousness, we require the support of visionary individuals and groups to live out our mission and expand our operations. Your donations will allow us to further our core work of providing class consciousness to artists of all stripes, meeting the challenges of the moment with dynamic, energizing, and holistic political education. 

Please consider supporting us with a one-time, or recurring donation. We currently accept Venmo, Cashapp, and Paypal.

To learn more about A4A’s goals and how you can help, please get in touch.