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A4A Group Study: Guaranteed Income for Artists

A4A Group Study:

Everyone is Essential! Guaranteed Income for Artists


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

3:30-5pm PT / 6:30-8pm ET



What is possible when you have your basic needs met? What choices would you make? What art would you make? 

Join A4A for a group study of “Everyone is Essential!”, a short course on Guaranteed Income (GI)produced by Creative Study in partnership with our friends, Creative Rebuild New York, and the Georgia Resilience and Opportunity Fund. We’ll study the course materials together, including a short documentary about CRNY’s GI for Artists program, which provided 2,400 artists with no-strings-attached cash payments of $1,000 for 18 months from 2022 to 2024. Then we’ll discuss what the Guaranteed Income movement could make possible for artists & cultural workers, and GI as one potential tactic for developing militant class-conscious workers engaged in anticapitalist struggle.

April 25

Culture In Resistance: Mette Loulou von Kohl